At Ouroboros Coding Inc. we have one goal. To solve problems for businesses by building tools that maximise employee's and user's time so they can focus on their tasks and not the tools they're using.
Are you employees doing too much by hand? Creating complex spreedsheets to collect data with no verification, data integrity, or redundancy? Or do you have an idea for an app that can make life easier for the world but don't know how to get started? Have you looked into creating custom software and either been turned off by the time needed, or the exorbitant costs quoted by software consultants?
Custom software doesn't need to be expensive or take unreasonable amounts of time. We at Ouroboros Coding Inc. belive in making tools to ease work so much we've created our own software libraries to make tool building a breeze. This allows us to focus more time on understanding your business and delivering what you truly need to take it to the next level. We excel at automating what doesn't require human intervention, and making whatever does as simple and painless to use as possible.
Whether it's an investment into your existing business to make it more profitable, or turning your idea into an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) to be able to go after funding, we are Ouroboros Coding Inc. can make your plans bear fruit. We not only want to see you succeed, we'll be excited to be a part of that success.
DevMedika Inc. (parent company of Ortho Info™) had a vision to bring attention to the lack of help for both patients and general physicians when it came to musculoskeletal conditions. They wanted to create a one stop shop where people or professionals could look up information on MSK issues, get help, get the right orthopedic device, and even find the right physiotherapist. They needed a custom solution to get all the different parts working together, while making it completely simple for anyone to add more conditions and treatments to the system.
The below is a direct quote (screenshot from WhatsApp with permission) from one of the partners of DevMedika, Victor Fakhoury.

(I speak on behalf of everyone in this company, Chris. You're the best thing that's happened to this project. You made it a reality.)
Toro Management Inc. (parent company of Undoo®) was looking for someone to help them manage all the technical aspects of selling a product online, both direct to customers, and busines to business. We created several portals for them to help them connect and manage their customers. Most notably, a fully intuitive, dynamic, scalable distribution platform to handle international sales with as little as one person to manage everything.
The below is a direct quote (screenshot from Slack with permission) from the head of operations at Undoo® / Toro Management Inc, Andy Nappin, describing the distributor portal created for Undoo.

(I think i have found pretty much everything needed for MVP and logged the issues in pivot tracker. As a follow on our previous work, i really want to say thank you for doing what is objectively an excellent job. it is super intuitive, it provides redundancy, we can work in real time by the nature of it's design and it will be received like a dream by our distribution partners. Most importantly it will allow us to scale which is the hardest part of business. it's been a pleasure to use it again and that we are going to deliver a great MVP. thank you. Andy.)
Service SVP™ wanted to change the game when it came to restauranteurs and staff finding each other, especially after Covid changed everything. It was harder to find staff, and no one wanted to waste time with employees who couldn't do the job or didn't fit the vibe of their establishment. Ouroboros Coding helped the management of Service SVP™ create a whole new way to think about hiring people, creating standardization for what information was needed to make the right match, and to make it quickly without eating up time in an industry that's already often on the wire between success and failure.
Define is a language independent way to validate and clean both simple and complex data structures. It uses a simple JSON format to define the structure and valid values and types for entire documents.
Full documentation is provided for all languages.
Docs-OC is a single page React script that loads a JSON file containing your documentation. Docs-OC is designed for libraries, like Format-OC, which provide functionality in multiple languages.
PyPi Modules
- config-oc A module to simplify documenting and loading configuration files written in JSON with the ability to seperate public from private data.
- jobject A dictionary replacement that gives access to data using C struct notation, while still allowing traditional array like access, just like JavaScript Objects.
- jsonb A Python module used to simplify encoding/decoding JSON while handling special types.
- namedredis A simple wrapper for redis using config-oc to act as a factory for named connections.
- strings-oc Generic functions for dealing with and generating strings.
- tools-oc Generic functions for dealing with common Python problems.
- undefined-oc Adds a unique `undefined` variable to python that acts like the primtive type in JavaScript of the same name.
- upgrade-oc Adds the ability to easily add upgrade scripts that will run in the correct order based on versions.
NPM Packages
- jsunittest A JavaScript package to do unit testing that copies the flow of Python's unittest module.
- @ouroboros/browser 4 classes to handle common browser tasks, clipboard, cookies, hashes, and page visibility.
- @ouroboros/clone A library to clone data completely at every level. Includes ways to add your own function for specific classes/types, or to completely ignore specific classes/types.
- @ouroboros/dates Various functions for manipulating and displaying dates.
- @ouroboros/events A library to give the ability to subscribe to and trigger synchronous events in javascript. Useful for passing data around a project without creating import conflicts / circular dependencies.
- @ouroboros/react-native-picker Adds an iOS style Picker to React Native.
- @ouroboros/react-native-snackbar Adds a Snackbar to React Native.
- @ouroboros/react-radiobuttons-mui A component that adds the ability to create custom designed radio buttons using Material-UI.
- @ouroboros/subscribe A class that allows adding easy subscription and notification abilities to any class via extending.
- @ouroboros/tools Generic functions for standard javascript problems.
- certbot-cpanel A certbot module to add cpanel integration.
- ChainedXML A python 2 module for creating XML documents using chained methods.
- Reconsider A script to clone RethinkDB instances from one host to another on the fly.
TIMS, the Time and Inventory Management System, is a React app on top of Python3 REST APIs that allows small businesses to keep track of clients, projects, tasks, and the hours (or minutes) worked on them. Employees and managers can keep track of projects and their tasks, starting and stopping to keep track of time worked. Admin's and accounting can generate invoices, including tax info, based on specific time frames. And finally, clients can log in to see broad strokes info on time worked (not individual employees work) and download invoices.
PyLiveDev is an installable Python package which allows for running multiple python services/apps/scripts while tracking files associated for changes. When any changes are detected, the relavent proccess is gracefully stopped, re-checked for new related files, and started again. Allowing for live updates in the stlye of create-react-app.
Runs MySQL dump to fetch all data in one or more databases, then stores that data as a private object in AWS S3.
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